“The “How” – Creating The YATD Culture

"People buy People First..."

Wise words and something we live by at You Are The Difference.  

Over the 20 plus years of spreading the You Are The Difference message, this is the mantra that we find ourselves saying (at the very least) on a daily basis. We have worked with the good and the great and we love every single moment of what we do.

We are in a unique position in YATD as we know that everything we do just works! We transform businesses, we motivate and empower people in retail, hospitals, industry, hospitality, financial institutions, high streets, town centres and even cities!


We often look at each other with intrigue and excitement when we get a call from a new client who we know will be the right fit. This connection and shared appetite for success is the foundation of every relationship that YATD builds.
It is no surprise that YATD has been embraced by such a broad spectrum of industry; YATD is right for any business that has people at its core – including the workforce, shareholders, suppliers, customers – both internal and external; YATD is for those who respond to people; who respond to the much-favoured adage, “People Buy People First, The Product Second”.

Let me tell you a story

A business contacts us and asks to meet to discuss the possibility of rolling out YATD as their customer care programme.  This multi-national has 180 premises throughout the UK and Ireland.  The senior team knows what they want; they want to transform their customer service programme, ensuring the customer has the best possible experience, leading to increased sales and increased profits. The business loves what we do and we get total buy in from them. BUT… we need to see the challenges for ourselves, and ensure the client fully understands where the main issues lie.  

Our experience has taught us that often clients cannot see the wood for the trees and can often miss where the real weaknesses lie and then take off on a journey to try to rectify the situation without taking a step back to challenge that journey. Often time and money is thrown at a problem/cause that wasn’t actually there in the first place. What we do is we go and observe, we get under the skin of the business and see the who, what, where, when and we ask the why.  

What a business thinks we want to see versus what we are actually looking at can often be miles apart!  We are listening, looking and feeling the culture of the business and by doing so we see what is really going on, where the actual key challenges lie.  It’s the power of the observation we do that helps us to design and develop the right YATD coaching programme to help a business take their customer service to a new and exciting level and in many cases to help turn that business around.